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  • Here’s How to Ensure a Successful Property Viewing! Detailed Tips and a Checklist
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    1. Key Points for Viewing Properties

    Property viewing, or "naiken" in Japanese, is the process of inspecting the interior of a property. Here, we'll explain the steps and methods to ensure a successful viewing.


    1-1.Always Make an Appointment for the Initial Viewing

    The typical process for viewing a property involves searching for desired properties on portal sites like SUUMO and then contacting the real estate agency. You should check via email or phone if the property is still available and if a viewing is possible, then make an appointment. While you can visit real estate agencies without an appointment, this approach can be inefficient as you won't know if the desired properties are available or how the agency will respond. Making an appointment ensures the agent can prepare and select properties that meet your criteria, leading to a more efficient viewing process.


    1-2.Limit Viewings to 3-4 Properties in 2 Hours

    While it's natural to want to see as many properties as possible for comparison, it's best to limit each viewing session to four properties. Viewing too many properties can be time-consuming for both you and the real estate agency. Each viewing typically takes about 10-15 minutes, so seeing four properties will take around 1.5 to 2 hours, including travel time. Moreover, good properties tend to be in high demand, so it's possible that others might apply for the property before you finish your viewings. Limiting the number of properties viewed to four ensures a compact and efficient viewing session. If you find a property you like, it's advisable to return to the agency to start the application process immediately.


    1-3.Use the Real Estate Agency's Car, Public Transport, or Walk

    For property viewings, the most common transportation method is to ride in the real estate agency's car. The advantages include faster travel times, less walking, and avoiding extreme weather conditions. However, using public transportation or walking allows you to see the actual route to the station and the surrounding environment. If you plan to view four properties, be prepared to walk a significant distance, so wearing comfortable sneakers is a must.

    2.Checklist for What to Bring and Wear for Property Viewings

    Let's go over what you need to bring and wear for a property viewing.
    Please download the checklist from here >>


    2-1.Mobile Phone (Camera, Compass, Level, Flashlight, Notes)

    A mobile phone is incredibly useful during property viewings, serving multiple purposes:

    • ・Camera: Take photos for reference, but always ask for permission from the real estate agent first. Start with a photo of the property name and room number to avoid confusion later.
    • ・Compass: Use a compass app to check the direction the property faces.
    • ・Level: Ensure the floors and rooms are level.
    • ・Flashlight: Some properties may not have working lights or electricity, especially in the evening.
    • ・Notes: Keep notes of your impressions and important details.


    2-2.Measuring Tape

    Bring a measuring tape of at least 3 meters. While detailed measurements aren't necessary during the viewing, you should measure essential areas like the spaces for large appliances (refrigerators, washing machines).


    2-3.Floor Plans

    Having a copy of the floor plans is crucial for noting any changes or measurements. If the real estate agency doesn't provide one, request it before the viewing.


    2-4.Writing Materials and Clipboard

    A clipboard is handy for taking notes, and while it might be extra baggage, it makes note-taking much easier. Ask the real estate agency if they can provide one.



    Bring slippers, as some properties may not have been cleaned yet. Disposable slippers are recommended.


    2-6.Comfortable Clothing

    Wear clothes that are easy to move in and that you don't mind getting a bit dirty. You might be walking a lot, so sneakers are recommended. Women should consider wearing pants instead of skirts for ease of movement.

    By following these guidelines and using the checklist, you'll be well-prepared for your property viewings and able to make the most of your time.

    3.Key Points for Checking the Interior

    3-1.First Impressions Matter: Don’t Waste Time on Unwanted Viewings

    While there are approximately 60 points to check during a property viewing, the initial impression is crucial. If you immediately feel uncomfortable in a room, it's unlikely you'll want to live there for an extended period. However, to understand why a property didn't feel right, jot down at least three reasons. This will help refine your search for the next viewing.


    3-2.Living Areas (15 Points)

    • 1.Cleaning Confirmation: Check if there are "cleaned" signs in the entrance and wet areas, indicating post-tenant maintenance.
    • 2.Fire and Gas Alarms: Ensure the property is equipped with fire and gas alarms, as legally required.
    • 3.Furniture Layout: Visualize if your furniture will fit. Single beds typically measure 97cm x 195cm, and semi-double beds measure 120cm x 195cm.
    • 4.Windows and Doors: Confirm that all windows and doors open and close properly.
    • 5.Sunlight: Check the direction of windows using a compass to confirm good sunlight. Different orientations have specific sunlight characteristics:
      1. ・East-facing: Good morning light.
      2. ・South-facing: Ample sunlight throughout the day.
      3. ・West-facing: Afternoon and evening light, but can be hot in summer.
      4. ・North-facing: Little to no direct sunlight, often colder in winter but generally cheaper.
    • 6.Level Floors: Use a leveling app to check if the floors are even.
    • 7.Views: Assess the view from windows for privacy and any undesirable sights.
    • 8.Noise Levels: Test for external and internal noise with windows closed.
    • 9.Smells: Detect any unpleasant odors such as tobacco, pets, or mold.
    • 10.Door Swing: Note the direction of door swings to avoid furniture layout issues.
    • 11.Damage: Check for pre-existing damage to floors and walls. Document any issues.
    • 12.Lighting: Verify the presence and condition of lights, and whether they are fixtures you cannot replace.
    • 13.Outlets and Ports: Check the number and placement of electrical outlets, TV ports, and LAN connections.
    • 14.Air Conditioner Age: Look for the manufacturing date on air conditioners. Units older than 10 years may be less efficient.
    • 15.Air Conditioner Installation: Confirm if additional air conditioners can be installed and if there's space for external units.


    3-3.Kitchen (8 Points)

    • 1.Refrigerator Space: Ensure there’s enough room for your refrigerator, especially if it's larger than standard.
    • 2.Stove: Check the type (gas, IH, electric) and the number of burners.
    • 3.Sink Size: Ensure the sink is large enough for your needs.
    • 4.Counter Space: Confirm there’s sufficient space for food prep.
    • 5.Storage: Verify that kitchen storage is adequate for your utensils and appliances.
    • 6.Ventilation: Ensure the range hood is correctly positioned and functioning well.
    • 7.Outlets: Check for conveniently located power outlets for kitchen appliances.
    • 8.Drain Smells: Test the kitchen drain for any unpleasant odors.


    3-4.Wet Areas (6 Points)

    • 1.Washing Machine Space: Measure the space for your washing machine, especially if it's a drum type.
    • 2.Sink Features: Confirm the sink meets your needs.
    • 3.Shower Pressure: Test the water pressure in the shower.
    • 4.Bath Features: Ensure the bath has necessary features for your needs.
    • 5.Toilet Features: Check for required features in the toilet.
    • 6.Drain Smells: Test for any unpleasant odors from the bathroom drains.


    3-5.Entrance and Other Areas (4 Points)

    • 1.Shoe Storage: Check if the shoe storage fits your footwear, including high boots.
    • 2.Lighting: Ensure the entrance light is adequate and functional.
    • 3.Locks: Confirm the type of lock on the door for security reasons (single or double, regular or dimple key).
    • 4.Breaker Capacity: Check the amperage of the breaker to ensure it meets your power needs.


    3-6.Balcony (4 Points)

    • 1.Roof: Check if the balcony has a roof to protect against rain.
    • 2.Drying Space: Ensure there’s adequate and secure space for drying clothes.
    • 3.Drainage: Verify if there’s a drainage outlet on the balcony.
    • 4.Bird Droppings: Look for signs of bird droppings, indicating a persistent problem.

    4.Outdoor Inspection Points

    4-1.Entrance (5 Points)

    1.Is the building entrance clean?
    The entrance represents the building. If it's cluttered with trash, it may indicate poor management and low tenant morale. Poorly managed buildings often respond slowly to equipment failures, impacting your living experience. Additionally, low tenant morale can lead to noise and other issues, making a clean entrance a crucial indicator of the property's overall condition.

    2.Does the mailbox lock properly?
    Most mailboxes have dial locks, but some require tenants to provide their own locks. Ensure the mailbox cannot be easily accessed by reaching inside.

    3.Is there any trash around the mailbox area?
    A mailbox area littered with flyers and advertisements suggests poor management and low tenant morale, similar to a cluttered entrance.

    4.Are there any complaints posted on the bulletin board?
    Check for complaints about noise, burglaries, or other issues. These postings provide a realistic view of current problems in the building.

    5.Are necessary facilities like intercom and parcel lockers available?
    Depending on your budget, confirm that essential facilities like intercom systems and parcel lockers are available.


    4-2.Hallways (3 Points)

    1.Are there concerns about external visibility in outdoor hallways?
    If outdoor hallways lack translucent panels, they may be vulnerable to external views, posing a security risk, especially for women.

    2.Are personal items left in the hallways?
    Hallways are common areas, and leaving personal items there is prohibited. This can obstruct fire and emergency evacuation routes. Properties with items left in hallways likely have poor management and low tenant morale.

    3.Are the hallway lights functioning?
    Unlit hallways at night are dangerous and scary. Check the lighting to ensure proper management.


    4-3.Garbage Disposal Area (3 Points)

    1.Is there a dedicated garbage disposal area?
    A dedicated area within the property is convenient as you don't need to carry your garbage to a distant site. Always confirm its location. If there isn't one, find out where you need to take your trash.

    2.Are there designated days for garbage disposal?
    Typically, garbage must be disposed of on specific days (e.g., burnable, non-burnable, and recyclable). However, well-managed buildings like condominiums often allow 24-hour disposal, which is very convenient.

    3.Is the garbage area clean?
    A dirty garbage area indicates poor management and low tenant morale, and it is unhygienic, increasing the risk of pests. Always check its cleanliness.


    4-4.Bicycle Parking (4 Points)

    1.Is there space available, and is there a cost?
    Without a bicycle parking area, you can't park your bicycle. Ensure there is space available and check if there is a fee. If the property allows common area parking, verify where bicycles are parked. If they're in hallways, it can obstruct emergency evacuation and indicates poor management.

    2.Is there a roof over the bicycle parking?
    A roof prevents bicycle deterioration. For expensive bicycles like road bikes or electric bikes, this is essential.

    3.Are bicycles parked neatly?
    If bicycles are parked haphazardly without designated spaces, it may indicate poor management and low tenant morale.

    4.Are there any unauthorized or abandoned bicycles?
    Bicycles covered in dust or missing parts suggest unauthorized parking or abandonment, indicating poor management and tenant morale.

    5.Points to Check in the Surrounding Environment

    5-1.Route to the Station (2 Points)

    1.Are there any hills?
    Elevation changes are not visible on maps. The walking time indicated on floor plans is calculated at 80 meters per minute and does not account for hills. Ensure you check for any elevation changes on the route you’ll use daily after moving.

    2.Is the route walkable at night?
    This is crucial and can’t be verified if you visit by car. Especially for women, it’s essential to check if the route has sufficient pedestrian traffic, streetlights, and feels safe to walk alone at night. Before making a decision, it’s highly recommended to walk the route at least once.


    5-2.Nearby Facilities (3 Points)

    1.Is there a supermarket nearby?
    Check if there is a nearby supermarket for daily shopping. Supermarkets are often used for bulk purchases, and carrying heavy items over a long distance can be inconvenient.

    2.Is there a convenience store nearby?
    A 24-hour convenience store is an essential infrastructure for modern living. Depending on your lifestyle, you might rely on convenience stores for your meals. Make sure to note the location and distance to the nearest convenience store.

    3.Is there a shopping street nearby?
    Shopping streets can reveal a lot about the charm of the neighborhood. Sometimes they are closer than you think! Check if there is a nearby shopping street.


    5-3.Surrounding Environment (2 Points)

    1.Are there any sources of loud noise nearby?
    Ongoing or planned construction nearby can cause noise disturbances. This can only be confirmed by walking around the area. Large construction projects can last for years, so it’s crucial to check. Schools nearby may have bells and events like sports days that create noise. Nearby stores, fire stations, hospitals, major roads, and railways can also be sources of constant noise. Temples and shrines might also generate some noise. Ensure you can tolerate any potential noise before deciding.

    2.Are there any sources of unpleasant odors nearby?
    Major roads can produce exhaust fumes. Nearby rivers can sometimes emit odors. Restaurants in the vicinity can also generate smells. Make sure to check for any bothersome odors yourself.

    6.Three Recommended Questions to Ask During a Viewing

    When viewing a property with a real estate agent, it's helpful to get their insights in addition to your own observations. While they will provide explanations voluntarily, here are three effective questions to ask:

    "What are the good and bad points of this property?"
    Every property has its pros and cons. Ask the real estate agent directly. They might point out things you haven’t noticed. If the drawbacks aren’t a problem for you (or are tolerable), it could still be a good choice.

    "When did this property become available for viewing?"
    Knowing when the property started being available for viewings can be very telling. If it’s been available for a long time, there might be issues. Conversely, properties available for a long time might have more room for negotiation. This information is crucial for a successful property search.

    "How would you suggest arranging furniture here?"
    If the agent struggles to visualize the furniture arrangement, it could indicate poor layout. This question helps assess the usability of the floor plan.

    7.What to Do After Viewing the Property

    7-1. If You Didn’t Find a Good Property

    If you didn’t find a suitable property, return to the office to review the properties you’ve seen. You might think, “I didn’t find anything I liked, so I just want to go home.” However, a review is necessary to adjust your requirements. The properties you viewed were chosen based on your initial criteria, and you saw the top options available. Searching with the same criteria will only yield properties that didn’t make the cut. Therefore, you need to reassess which criteria are essential and which can be flexible. If both you and the agent have more time, you might be able to schedule another round of viewings. If not, you can set a date for your next visit and use the time to find more suitable options. While switching to a new real estate agency is an option, it’s more efficient to continue with the current one rather than starting over. This efficiency is key to a successful property search.


    7-2. If You Found a Good Property

    If you found a property you like, go back to the office to start the application process. Popular properties often have high competition, and multiple applications can be common. Sometimes, it’s better to interrupt your viewing schedule and proceed with the application immediately. Discuss with your agent to make the best decision.

    8.[Highly Important] The Best Days for Property Viewings

    Up to this point, we’ve discussed various aspects of property viewings, but the most crucial point is the timing of your viewings. Based on a typical week for a real estate agency, here are the best days for viewings:

    8-1.The Weekly Schedule of a Real Estate Agency

    To understand the best days for viewings, let’s first look at a typical weekly schedule for a real estate agency. Many real estate agencies are closed on Wednesdays, so we’ll use a Thursday-start week for this explanation. Although some agencies are open year-round, most agencies handle properties from multiple listings, meaning they cannot show properties or process applications from agencies closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

    Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
    Property Research
    Contract Preparation
    Property Information Upload
    Customer Preparation
    Application Process
    Application Process
    Application Review Closed Closed

    Viewings are concentrated on weekends, as most people are off. Agencies register new property information on platforms like SUUMO in preparation for weekend viewings, which takes about one to two days. Therefore, by Friday afternoon, weekend property information is usually available. The week generally progresses as follows: viewings over the weekend, applications on Monday, review on Thursday, and contracts by the following weekend.

    Best Viewing Days
    1st Place: Friday Afternoon
    The best time for viewings is Friday afternoon because you can view newly listed properties before the weekend crowd. You might need to take a half-day off work, but the office will be less busy, allowing you to thoroughly examine good properties.
    2nd Place: Early Saturday Morning
    If taking time off work is difficult, aim for early Saturday morning before other clients start their viewings. Properties you like are likely to be liked by others too, and applications are generally processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Try to wake up early and secure your spot in the morning.
    3rd Place: Monday Afternoon
    Monday afternoon is the third-best time. This might seem surprising, but it's because some weekend applications may be canceled or rejected, making properties available again on Monday. You can search in real-time and catch these opportunities.

    9.Recommended Real Estate Agencies

    Finally, let’s discuss recommended real estate agencies. Here’s one key point: choose an agency near the property you’re interested in. Efficiency and speed are crucial when viewing properties. An agency close to the property will minimize travel time, allowing you to view more properties quickly. Additionally, local agencies have extensive knowledge about the neighborhood, including recommended shops and lifestyle information, which helps you imagine living there. They can also provide support if you encounter any issues after moving in. While there are many factors to consider when choosing an agency, start with one near your desired property. Give it a try!