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  • How to read Japanese room layout?
    blog articles

    apartment search . know how . layout . room layout .

    When you look at a Japanese room layout, it must be a bit difficult to understand what means what.
    This time I am going to explain how to read it when you actually search an apartment!
    This is one of the apartment information sheets, as an example.

    On the right side you see the images, and this is the room lay out I am going use this time.

    This is a one studio type room lay out image, and what it is showing are,,,

    To give you more specific images,, these are the pictures for each


    Bath tube and shower


    Wash stand

    Washing machine place
    These are what it is showing and it will make your room hunt easier to have this knowledge before you start! 🙂
    We are always willing to explain thse details, ask us freely if you have any question!