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  • Can You Make a Spare Key for a Rental Property by yourself ? Will You Get Found out to the Owner If You Do?
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    Can You Make a Spare Key for a Rental Property by yourself ? Will You Get Found out to the Owner If You Do?

    1. Can You Make a Spare Key for a Rental Property Without Permission?

    (1) Conclusion: Can You Make a Spare Key for a Rental Property Without Permission?
    In short, making a spare key for a rental property without the consent of the landlord or property management company is prohibited.

    (2) Why Can't You Make Spare Keys for Rental Properties Without Permission?
    But why can't you make spare keys for rental properties without permission?

    The reason is that "the keys for rental properties belong to the landlord." While you may think it's okay since you're paying rent every month, having spare keys made without the landlord's knowledge is not conducive to security. It's unsettling to think that strangers might have keys to the property you've leased.

    Some rental property keys are even linked to entrance auto locks, allowing unauthorized individuals to enter the building.

    For these reasons, making spare keys for rental properties without permission is prohibited.

    2. So, Tenants can‘t Make Spare Keys for Rental Properties?

    (1) Conclusion: Tenants can‘t Make Spare Keys for Rental Properties?
    In short, if you obtain the consent of the landlord or property management company, you can make spare keys. Typically, you confirm the number of keys provided before signing the lease, and if spare keys are required, you pay for them along with the security deposit.

    (2) Will You Get Caught If You Make Spare Keys for Rental Properties Without Permission?
    Depending on the type of key, it's unlikely you'll get caught during your lease period if you manage to make spare keys. However, discrepancies in key numbers upon returning the keys at the end of the lease or if keys are returned with different numbers may reveal that spare keys were made without permission. In such cases, the cost of cylinder replacement may be deducted from the tenant's deposit during checkout. Additionally, if the key type does not allow spare key duplication, the landlord may discover unauthorized key duplication through inquiries to the manufacturer.

    3. Types and Costs of Spare Keys for Rental Properties

    Though spare keys are often overlooked, there are various types available. Costs for making spare keys vary depending on the type of key, and it's important to note that some keys cannot be duplicated at all.

    (1) Pin Cylinder Lock

    A pin cylinder lock refers to a key with serrations on only one side.

    Creating a Spare Key:
    You can have a spare key made at a local locksmith for around 1000 yen per key. However, if you don't duplicate the original key accurately, there may be misalignments in shape, leading to difficulty in opening and closing.

    Time to Create a Spare Key:
    It takes about 5 minutes at a local locksmith.

    Pin cylinder locks are weak against picking and are not highly secure. If you confirm that your rental property uses a pin cylinder lock, it's recommended, even for a fee, to change to a lock that is more resistant to picking.

    (1) Pin Cylinder Lock

    (2) Disc Cylinder Lock

    A disc cylinder lock refers to a key with serrations on both sides.

    Creating a Spare Key:
    You can have a spare key made at a local locksmith for around 1000 yen per key. However, if you don't duplicate the original key accurately, there may be misalignments in shape, leading to difficulty in opening and closing.

    Time to Create a Spare Key:
    It takes about 5 minutes at a local locksmith.

    Disc cylinder locks are also weak against picking and are not highly secure. If you find that your rental property uses a disc cylinder lock, it's recommended, even for a fee, to change to a lock that is more resistant to picking.

    (2) Disc Cylinder Lock

    (3) Wave Cylinder Lock

    A wave cylinder lock refers to a key with no serrations but with wavy grooves. This type of key is commonly seen in car keys but is also frequently used in rental properties.

    Creating a Spare Key:
    Creating a spare key requires ordering from the manufacturer. When ordering a spare key, personal identification and security authentication IDs are required, so it's not possible to make a spare key without permission. The cost of creating a spare key is around 3500-5000 yen per key.

    Time to Create a Spare Key:
    After ordering from the manufacturer, it takes about a month for production.

    Wave cylinder locks are strong against picking and are considered highly secure. However, it can be difficult to create a spare key, and if you lose your key and need to replace it, the cost is high. Additionally, locksmiths may not be able to assist if you forget your key.

    (3) Wave Cylinder Lock

    (4) Dimple Cylinder Lock

    A dimple cylinder lock refers to a key with no serrations but with circular indentations.

    Creating a Spare Key:
    Creating a spare key requires ordering from the manufacturer. When ordering a spare key, personal identification and security authentication IDs are required, so it's not possible to make a spare key without permission. The cost of creating a spare key is around 3500-5000 yen per key.

    Time to Create a Spare Key:
    After ordering from the manufacturer, it takes about a month for production.

    Dimple cylinder locks are strong against picking and are considered highly secure. However, it can be difficult to create a spare key, and if you lose your key and need to replace it, the cost is high. Additionally, locksmiths may not be able to assist if you forget your key.

    (4) Dimple Cylinder Lock

    So, that's the rundown on the types of locks for rental properties and the approximate costs of creating spare keys. It's important to note that while locks that can be made cheaply by local locksmiths may be weak against picking. As explained, making spare keys for rental properties without the landlord's consent is prohibited.

    4. Cost of Key Replacement (Cylinder Replacement) in Rentals

    There are two main cases for requesting key replacement in rental properties:

    To enhance security, replacing the entire cylinder with a new one at the time of contract.
    During the lease period, if keys are lost, necessitating cylinder replacement.
    Let's examine the costs for each:


    Pin Cylinder Lock Disc Cylinder Lock Wave Cylinder Lock Dimple Cylinder Lock
    Around 15,000 yen Around 15,000 yen Around 30,000 yen Around 30,000 yen

    5. Things to Consider When Making Spare Keys for Rentals

    (1) Reason for Making Spare Keys
    As mentioned earlier, making spare keys without the landlord's consent is prohibited. Always obtain consent from the landlord or management company when you want to make spare keys. When asked why you need spare keys, saying "I want to give a key to my partner, so please make a spare key!" might lead the landlord to think, "Are you planning to live together?" Similar concerns may arise if you want to give a key to a friend; it might raise questions about whether you intend to share the space.

    The reason for needing spare keys is crucial. For example, if a family of four is living in a unit with only three keys, it's generally not an issue to have spare keys made, and the landlord should agree. Similarly, requests from college students living alone who want their parents to keep a spare key are common and usually approved by the landlord.

    (2) If Even One Key Is Lost, Cylinder Replacement Is Necessary
    In rental properties, if even one key is lost, the tenant is typically charged for key replacement. This is because of the risk of unauthorized entry with a lost key. In such cases, the costs explained in "4. Cost of Key Replacement (Cylinder Replacement) in Rentals" apply. If spare keys have been made, be aware that the risk of losing keys increases with the number of keys, so keep this in mind.

    (3) All Keys Must Be Returned Upon Moving Out
    When the lease term ends and you're returning the unit, all keys that were in use must be returned to the landlord. If spare keys were made, all of them must be returned without exception.

    Even if you made spare keys without permission, ensure that all keys are returned. You may be charged for cylinder replacement, but there's no way around it.

    At the End ...

    That concludes our article on "Is It Okay to Make Spare Keys for Rentals by myself ? Will I Get Caught If I Do It Without Permission?"

    Depending on the situation, spare keys in rental properties may reduce the overall security of the building. If you need spare keys, always consult with the landlord or management company and have them made with their approval.

    When searching for rental properties along the Tokyu Line, please feel free to contact BALLEGGS CO.,ltd.! With experienced staff on hand, we'll provide thorough assistance for all your inquiries.

    Thank you for reading until the end.