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  • How you throw away the garbage in Japan...!
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    garbage . garbage rule . japanese rule . living in japan . rules in japan .

    Did you know that there is a rule to throw away the garbage in Japan?


    There is a rule that everyone follow in the area- to make the community organized and clean. (-And is nice to the earth too : )haha )


    It depends on the area where you live,
    But usually you have to throw the garbage away in a particular date.


    For example, where I live is…..


    (1) Every Wednesday, Saturday… Burnable
    (2) Every Friday… Recycle
    (3) First and Fourth Monday… Unburnable

    Like this : )


    It’s not that there is a penalty when you didn’t follow the rule,
    But if you didn’t follow the rule, it will cause all the people who live in the area (and even yourself) a big trouble. And it will make the area a not good one.


    That’s the point.
    We got to cooperate and communicate each other, to make our life nice and comfortable.


    It’s where you live, so let’s make the town you live a nice and clean, friendly one : )