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  • Best Time to Search for Rental Properties. Introducing Seasonal Features and Recommended Times by Type
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    1.Is there a recommended season for property hunting?

    Are there differences on the property market depending on the time of year?
    While spring is commonly associated with busy seasons, there are pros and cons depending on the season. Additionally, there are differences depending on factors such as living alone or living as a couple, or seeking family-oriented properties.


    1-1.Rental property availability, market prices, and moving costs vary by season.

    There are peak seasons (high season) and off-peak seasons (low season) for property searches. From January to March is the peak season when there is the most movement in properties due to events like new school years, employment changes, and relocations. From April, property movement gradually calms down, leading to the off-peak season from July to August. Towards the relocation season in October, properties start increasing from September, leading to the next year's peak season. During the peak season, there is an increase in both property availability and people searching, while during the off-peak season, both decrease. Consequently, rental prices tend to be higher during the peak season due to supply and demand, while during the off-peak season, they tend to be lower. While it's not as drastic as hotels halving their prices, there can be fluctuations of around 5% to 10% in rental prices. Additionally, during the off-peak season, some properties may offer incentives like one month of free rent. This not only affects rental contracts but also influences moving company fees. During the peak season, it's challenging to secure bookings, and prices can even double compared to the off-peak season, depending on the day of the week.


    1-2.Therefore, the recommended time varies depending on whether you're looking for a good property or aiming for a good deal.

    During the busy season, there are many properties available, making it an ideal time for those looking to find a high-quality rental. On the other hand, if you're looking to secure a good deal at a lower cost, it's advantageous to search during the off-season. Consider the pros and cons to find the best timing that suits your needs.

    2.Characteristics of Property Searches by Season

    2-1.[January to March] Peak season with the most property movement throughout the year

    This period sees increased property searches due to events like new school years, employment changes, and relocations, particularly for single-person residences like 1K and 1R. With a high volume of properties available, it's an opportune time for those seeking high-quality properties. However, competition is fierce, and popular properties may have multiple applicants, sometimes resulting in a waiting list. Additionally, due to the high demand, negotiations are often difficult.


    • ・Higher chance of encountering quality properties
    • ・Ideal for moving in April
    • ・Highest number of properties suitable for single-person living


    • ・Fierce competition among property seekers
    • ・Limited availability for property viewings
    • ・Negotiations are unlikely to succeed
    • ・Real estate agencies may be overcrowded, leading to slower service


    2-2.[April to June] Decrease in available properties but easier to search

    After the peak season, property movement gradually decreases, especially for single-person residences like 1K and 1R. However, there are still opportunities as some people avoid the peak season for moving. Additionally, with many couples getting married during this period, there is an increase in properties suitable for two-person living like 1LDK and 2DK. Real estate agencies are relatively less crowded, making it easier to search for properties and receive timely responses to inquiries. The pleasant weather also facilitates comfortable moving operations.


    • ・Increase in properties suitable for two-person living
    • ・Easier property search due to less crowded agencies
    • ・Comfortable moving operations due to good weather


    • ・Limited availability, especially for single-person residences like 1K and 1R


    2-3.[July to August] Lowest property movement throughout the year

    July to August marks the lowest property movement period of the year, known as the off-peak season. Searching for properties and moving during the hot summer months can be challenging. With fewer available properties, one must choose from limited options. However, there are some advantages. Real estate agencies may propose rent adjustments to landlords during the off-peak season, leading to lower market prices. Landlords may also be more willing to negotiate due to prolonged vacancies. Additionally, moving company fees are typically lower during this period, making it ideal for those seeking cost-effective moves.


    • ・Lowest market prices of the year
    • ・Relatively easier negotiations
    • ・Lower moving company fees


    • ・Limited availability of properties
    • ・Challenges with property viewings and moving in hot weather


    2-4.[September to December] Increase in properties due to autumn relocation and peak season approaching

    From September onwards, properties start moving in preparation for the October relocation season, leading to an increase in family-oriented properties like 2LDK and detached houses. This period also sees an increase in properties suitable for couples due to weddings, similar to June. As more people move to avoid the peak season, the overall property availability increases. Real estate agencies are relatively less crowded during this time, making it favorable for thorough property searches. Additionally, the moderate weather allows for comfortable property viewings and moving operations. However, negotiations may be relatively difficult as demand increases towards the peak season, leading to fewer incentives for landlords to compromise.


    • ・Increase in family-oriented properties due to relocation season
    • ・Increase in properties suitable for couples due to weddings
    • ・Comfortable property viewings and moving operations


    • ・Relatively difficult negotiations due to increased demand

    3.When should you start looking for a property? Explanation by type of property search

    3-1.If you're looking for a 1K, start from January to March.

    From January to March, there's an abundance of 1K and 1R properties for single individuals. With support for new lives geared towards enrollment or joining a new job, you can also furnish your home with furniture and appliances at reasonable prices. This period is ideal for those who want to live in a good property. However, since there are many rivals in the search for apartments, decisive action is necessary. With many options available, it's common to feel indecisive, but speed is essential! There are also articles summarizing the key points of viewing, so prepare thoroughly and find the best room!
    Related article:
    Never Fail Again! Thorough Explanation of Viewing Points.


    3-2.If you're starting a two-person household, start from April to June.

    The period with many properties suitable for two-person households is from April to June and from September to December. However, considering the market and the ease of negotiation, April to June is the best season. As the congestion at real estate agencies is also reduced, be sure to search for properties together with your partner. The climate is comfortable before the rainy season.


    3-3.If you want to rent cheaply, start from July to August.

    The best season for rent prices and ease of negotiation is from July to August. Although the number of properties is low, you have plenty of time. Take your time to search for properties under various conditions and find hidden gems. Since moving and viewing properties are very difficult, don't forget to take measures against the heat!


    3-4.If you're looking for family properties, start from September to December.

    Unlike properties for single individuals such as 1K and 1R, family-type properties have a low supply to begin with. Especially for detached houses and condominiums, there's usually only one available. Apart from the relocation period, it's difficult to obtain new information. Although properties are available from January to March, it's slightly difficult to move during the busy season, so the best season for family properties is from September to December. Coordinate with your spouse to convey your requirements to the real estate agency and take action as soon as information becomes available.

    4.How many months in advance should you start looking for a property?

    We've explained the timing for property searches by type so far, but when should you start looking for a property? We'll explain based on the overall flow of property searches.

    Flow of property searches:

    • ・Compile preferred areas and conditions using websites like SUUMO (1 week)
    • ・Inquire with real estate agencies (1 week)
    • ・Actually view properties (2 weeks)
    • ・Apply → Screening → Contract (about 10 days to 2 weeks)
    • ・Contract → Move (1 week to 2 weeks) * Rent starts about 2 weeks after application

    If you're currently living in a rental property, you also need to cancel the lease, move out, and dispose of belongings and garbage in parallel with this process. It's advisable to contract at least one month before the scheduled move-in date.

    It takes about 10 days to 2 weeks from finding a good property, applying, and going through the screening to the contract. However, preparation such as preparing the contract fee and necessary documents (resident certificate, withholding slip, etc.), requesting a joint guarantor from relatives, and obtaining necessary documents is also quite laborious.

    Decide on the area you want to live in, organize your preferences, and inquire about properties within a week. Spend 2 weeks visiting real estate agencies. This schedule takes 2 months. You can tighten the schedule further, but schedule with some margin for a satisfactory property search.

    Conclusion: Start looking for a property 2 months in advance.

    5.Points to be aware of in property searches

    5-1.Overlapping rent periods

    For those currently living in a rental property, overlapping rent periods are a concern. However, considering overlapping rent periods simply as a cost is risky. It's painful to pay rent for two rooms, but losing a place to live is the most difficult. Allow about 2 weeks of overlapping rent periods.

    Reasons for needing overlapping rent periods
    After moving your belongings from the current property to the new one, you'll need to clean and dispose of bulky garbage before the move-out inspection with the real estate agency or landlord. Without an overlapping rent period, you'll have to do everything on moving day, which can be quite difficult. If there's no overlapping period and an issue arises with the new property causing a delay in delivery, you'll be left without a place to live. Occasionally, renovations may be delayed, causing a delay in delivery. Although it's not your fault, it'll be quite challenging to arrange storage for moving items and accommodation.

    Always check the current property contract in advance
    The contract for rental properties always includes a section on the notice period for termination. This indicates how many months before leaving you need to notify. For many properties, it's 1 or 2 months before termination.

    If the notice period is 2 months
    If your contract has a 2-month notice period and your move-out date is mostly fixed, it's recommended to give notice in advance. If you decide on a property and then give notice, you may incur about 1.5 months of overlapping rent.

    If the notice period is 1 month
    If your contract has a 1-month notice period, apply for the property and wait for the screening to pass before giving notice. Negotiating to extend the prorated rent for about two weeks after applying is a reasonable negotiation. If you apply and then give notice immediately, if the screening fails, there's a risk of being left without a place to live. Allow for about 2 weeks of overlapping rent. Consider it as miscellaneous expenses and schedule with some margin.


    5-2.Consolidate your main wishes

    The order in which you summarize your preferred property conditions is important.

    1.First, decide on the area.
    The first priority is the area. Based on the route you use most often for commuting or attending school, consider the areas where you frequently go out for leisure, where your partner lives, and where you have activities such as hobbies or clubs. Choose a route that includes about 3 stations before and after your top choice station.

    2.Next, determine the rent.
    A guideline for rent is about one-third of your take-home pay. Rent is a monthly expense. Even if you can live in a great property, living on a tight budget by cutting down living expenses because rent is too high doesn't lead to a rich life. The standard for screening is generally about one-third of the nominal amount, but this rent is slightly high. For a take-home pay of 200,000 yen, aim for about 66,000 yen in rent; for a take-home pay of 250,000 yen, aim for about 83,000 yen; and for a take-home pay of 300,000 yen, aim for about 100,000 yen.

    3.Finally, consider the property's conditions.
    Lastly, what you decide on are the property's conditions. Size (layout), distance from the station, and age are the three main factors. If the building is newer, the facilities will be more complete. Regarding facilities, try to narrow down to about three essential conditions to search for. Also, if you set the age limit to newer, renovated properties will be excluded from the selection. If you want to include renovated properties in your search, release the restriction on the age limit and check for renovations when searching.

    That's the explanation about the recommended timing for rental properties. There's no one-size-fits-all best time for everyone. I hope you can find the best time for your property search by using this article. If you're considering searching for properties along the Tokyu Line, please feel free to contact Balleggs.