• お電話のお問い合わせ
  • What to be careful about earthquake resistant
    blog articles


    Japan’s building standard law is amended in the year 1981,

    and now we have new earthquake resistant standard.


    When you are looking for the apartment with new earthquake resistance standard, you should not simply judge it only with the building age though.


    Having been constructed after 1981

    does not mean that the building is based on new standard.


    The new standard started to apply for the building which got confirmation of building

    after June 1981.

    (In Japan, the procedure of construction begin only after this confirmation).


    Generally speaking it takes about 1 to 1.5 year for construction of the building,

    so even if it got confirmation after June of 1981, it might have completed

    in 1982 or 1983.


    That way, it might be safer to say that the buildings constructed after 1983 are based

    on new standard earthquake resistance!

    Be careful, not to judge its strength (new or old standard)  by its construction year!


    For further information,

    Call us directly


    Over seas: +81-3-5793-3515