• お電話のお問い合わせ
  • Items to bring for your room hunting!
    blog articles


    Hi every one!

    It seems the time for spring is now beginning,

    and now it is the highest season for room hunt in Japan.

    Today I would like to introduce you three items to bring for your room hunt in Japan.


    In Japan, when you are looking for the apartment,

    we, the realtors take you to the apartment you are interested in.


    While you are viewing, these 3 items will help your room hunt!


    ①A pair of slippers


    The apartment you will go for viewing are all vacant,

    and has nothing in side.

    Sometimes the floors are dirty or cold, so a pair of slippers will save your foot !!


    ②A measuring tape


    There will be not so many chances to see inside before you move in,

    so when you like the apartment, better measure each part of the room.

    That way you can choose or put your furniture in to the flat easily!

    ③A camera


    We easily forget what we saw, so taking photos of flats

    will help reminding you of each room and getting ready for moving in!


    In addition to these items, do not forget to choose the RIGHT realtor

    to be with you to find a RIGHT apartment for you.


    We are sure we can be!! 🙂

    Enjoy your room hunt!


    Call us directly freely 🙂


    From overseas: +81-3-5793-3515