• お電話のお問い合わせ
  • New type of share-house "FARM TERRACE&qu
    blog articles


    Thank you for visiting out website!

    We are recently working on the new type of share-house,

    which is called “FARM-terrace”.


    Living in this share-house, not only you can enjoy the

    huge stylish living room furnished with Japanese antique furniture,

    but also you can experience the lives of a FARM.

    Here it has a garden where you can really farm by yourselves.


    I know it is hard to imagine !!

    Here are some picture of the interior to help you get the image of it 🙂



    20151209惠美ファームテラス現場_3458 20151209惠美ファームテラス現場_2860

    20151203惠美ファームテラス現場_7583   20151209惠美ファームテラス現場_9717


    It’s the old Japanese house fully renovated,

    but still has the authentic beauties of the original one.

    Each room available from 77,000yen-/month **


    Now you must be wondering where the picture of the FARM !

    You should just check it with your eyes!


    We can take you to this house 🙂


    If you are interested, please call


    TEL: 03-5793-3515

    From overseas: +81-3-5793-3515