• お電話のお問い合わせ
  • TANABATA- About Orihime and Hikoboshi : )
    blog articles



    How are you?
    Hope you’re all fine as always : )!

    It’s soon going to be July 7th… the TANABATA day : )

    Tanabata is an event related to the STARS.
    It is based on a story that only once a year, Hikoboshi and Orihime, the two lovers, would be allowed to meet each other at the shores of the heavenly river.
    And that DAY they can meet each other is – July 7th.

    Hikoboshi and Orihime were husband and wife.
    They were so deeply in love with each other and started to NOT do their job/work.

    That is a problem. Right?

    So as a punishment, they were separated and only allowed to meet one once a year.

    On the night of 7th July of every year, people write their wishes on colorful paper sheets and hang them on bamboo leaves.

    That is how the TANABATA came a celebration in Japan !
    (*Although there might be various theories.)

    Have a sweet TANABATA night : )!

    Thank you.