So far we were writing about buying property in Japan.
This time we tell you about AFTER getting property.
When you get property for investment, or when you rent out your own property, basically you need to manage the tenant.
What you need to do for management of the property??
・Receiving the rent fee everymonth
・Asking for delayed payment
・Fixing and repairing the equipment
・Handling complaints from the tenants
・Clearing up the deposit when the tenant move out
・Cleaning the property when the tenant move out
All these things are responsible to you as an owner.
Most of the cases it is unrealistic for you to do all these for yourself.
That is why we ‘Management company’ are here for you.
There are tons of management companies in Japan doing these managing services for you.
Most of them cost about 5% of the rent fee per month.
WE, BALLEGGS Co.,Ltd. do management services at a cost of
only 1.5% of the rent fee.
You will see how cheap it is when you search other management companies.
YES, it is cheap because we are doing management services
only as an after services of our introducing brokerage.
We want to be responsible for what we introduce as a realestate consulting company.
ASK US freely about realestate
Local: 03-5793-3515
Overseas: +81-3-5793-3516