• お電話のお問い合わせ
  • TSUYU- the rainy season in Japan.
    blog articles


    It’s been really HOT these days.
    The summer finally came to Japan!

    Which means…
    The TSUYU- rainy season has started too!

    In Japan, the rainy season lasts from the beginning of June to mid-July.

    We call the rainy season ‘tsuyu’, which literally means ‘plum rain’.
    We call like this because it starts when plums are ripening.

    When the TSUYU finished … the HOT HOT summer is going to come!
    And will be the best season for swimming too : )!!! Can’t wait!

    The rainy season might last for a little more,
    But let’s enjoy the rainy TSUYU season too.

    Thank you!