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    The Pros and Cons of On-Site Property Viewings: Explaining Efficient Viewing Methods!

    When viewing rental properties, the option of meeting directly at the property for the viewing, known as "on-site viewings," is gaining popularity instead of visiting the real estate agency. This method is favored by those who resist prolonged interactions at the agency's office and being shown properties other than their preferred ones.

    There are various benefits to on-site meetings, as well as drawbacks. In this article, we'll summarize the pros and cons of on-site property viewings and discuss efficient viewing methods. We hope this will help make your property search more efficient.


    1. What are On-Site Property Viewings?

    (1) Meeting Directly at the Property for a Viewing

    Meeting directly at the property for a viewing means arranging to meet at the rental property without first visiting the real estate agency.

    Typically, when viewing a property, you would first visit the real estate agency for a consultation. During this visit, you would discuss your preferences and requirements, receive property suggestions, and then proceed to view both the property you are interested in and other recommended properties.


    This process usually takes about an hour for the initial consultation, including listening to your requirements and organizing the property viewings. Then, viewing 2-3 properties, including the one you initially inquired about, typically takes about two hours. After the viewings, you return to the agency to either proceed with the application if you like a property or adjust your criteria and schedule another viewing, taking approximately 30 minutes. In total, this process takes around 2 to 2.5 hours.


    In contrast, meeting directly at the property eliminates the time spent on the initial consultation, property suggestions, and organizing the viewings. Since you only view the property you have arranged to see, you save the 60 minutes typically spent at the agency. Additionally, if you decide not to return to the agency after the viewing, you also save the 30 minutes typically spent on the application process or adjusting criteria and scheduling another viewing. This can significantly reduce the total time needed for the property viewing.


    (2) Many people prefer on-site property viewings

    Many people prefer on-site property viewings, where the time spent on viewings is significantly reduced, and they can see only the properties they have inquired about without being subjected to lengthy sales pitches at the shop or being shown properties other than those they are interested in.

    However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to on-site viewings. We'll explain them in detail in the next section.

    2.Advantages of On-Site Property Viewings

    First, let's explain the advantages of on-site property viewings.


    (1) Avoiding bait-and-switch listings

    The biggest advantage of on-site property viewings is that you can avoid bait-and-switch listings. Bait-and-switch listings refer to properties that do not exist or properties for which there is no intention of transacting. Advertising false information to attract customers to the shop is illegal.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications e-Gov: Act on Specified Commercial Transactions Article 6, Article 15, Paragraph 1, and Paragraph 2
    Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications e-Gov: Real Estate Brokerage Act Article 32

    Since bait-and-switch listings use non-existent or untransactable properties to deceive people and attract customers, it is often impossible to view the properties. Therefore, it is unlikely that real estate agencies using bait-and-switch advertisements would opt for on-site viewings.

    Consequently, on-site viewings can ultimately help you avoid bait-and-switch listings.


    (2) Shorter viewing times

    As mentioned earlier, with on-site viewings, you won't receive introductions to other properties, allowing you to view only the properties you have inquired about. Since it's common to view 3 to 4 properties in one viewing, with each viewing lasting about 10 to 15 minutes, the total viewing time is reduced to about 45 minutes.


    (3) Avoiding excessive sales pressure from real estate agencies

    During on-site viewings, the contact time with real estate agents is typically only about 10 to 15 minutes. Since it's common for the viewing to end on-site if the property isn't to your liking, you can avoid excessive sales pressure from real estate agencies.


    (4) Examining the route to the station, walking time, and surrounding environment

    When opting for on-site viewings, most people will walk from the nearest station to the property. Therefore, you can actually walk from the station to the property.

    In contrast, when visiting a regular real estate agency before a viewing, it's common to travel by car, so you can't see the route to the station.

    Moreover, according to the "Fair Competition Rules for Real Estate Representation," the walking distance from the station in real estate property information, including online, is set at 80 meters per minute. However, this provision does not consider differences in elevation, such as hills. By actually going on-site for viewings, you can directly see whether there are hills or the atmosphere of the neighborhood.

    External link:Real Estate Fair Trade Council: Fair Competition Rules for Real Estate Representation

    3.Disadvantages of On-Site Property Viewings

    Everything has its pros and cons. Despite the significant time savings offered by on-site viewings, there are several drawbacks.


    (1) Delays in applying

    In the case of on-site viewings, many people want to view the property and make a decision to apply at their own pace, so it's common for the viewing to end on-site. However, if the property you viewed is popular, it's common for someone else to apply while you're considering it. If you like a property after an on-site viewing, we recommend going to the real estate agency immediately to start the application process.


    (2) Difficulty navigating without local knowledge

    In the case of on-site viewings, most people walk from the station to the property, but if the property is not in a large-scale apartment complex, you may get lost before reaching the site. Especially in the case of detached houses or small apartments in remote locations, it can be very difficult to find the property. Also, since there may be cases where the address is the same depending on the area, caution is required. When opting for on-site viewings, be sure to check exterior photos of the property in advance.


    (3) Incurred transportation costs to the site

    If the property is far from the station when opting for on-site viewings, you may also use public transportation such as buses. While it's common to use the real estate company's car for viewings after visiting a regular shop, transportation costs to the site for on-site viewings will be at your own expense, so be careful.


    (4) Time-consuming for multiple viewings

    If there are multiple properties to view, it will take a considerable amount of time to view them all on your own. Even if the properties are just 10 minutes from the station, they may not all be in the same direction. If they are scattered in different directions from the station, it may take 15 minutes or more to walk between properties, and you may become anxious about the time spent waiting at the next viewing location. If you plan to view multiple properties, on-site viewings may not be the most efficient method.


    (5) Difficulties in narrowing down properties

    Lastly, when opting for on-site viewings, it's difficult

    4.Efficient Ways to Conduct Property Viewings

    Based on the content so far, let me introduce you to efficient ways to conduct property viewings.


    (1) Consolidate multiple property viewings into one agency if planning on-site viewings

    As mentioned earlier as a drawback, conducting on-site viewings for multiple properties is inefficient. Most rental properties can be viewed through any real estate agency. It's efficient to schedule one on-site viewing and then ask for guidance on the properties you want to see from there.


    (2) Prepare two recommended properties that can be viewed immediately after the on-site viewing

    After conducting on-site viewings of properties, it's efficient to have several recommended properties ready for immediate viewing. These properties should be comparable to the one viewed on-site or have similar conditions.

    If you have the time, start contacting agencies a few days before the on-site viewing, communicate your preferences, and have recommended properties introduced to you in advance. At the same time, if you have other properties you're interested in, share them as well, and discuss the properties to be viewed on the day and the order of viewings.

    In fact, this exchange is the same as visiting a shop and having your preferences heard and property suggestions made. They should assist you in finding good properties while considering your preferences and the properties available for viewing.

    During this communication, if they introduce properties that don't match your preferences without reason or if there's a lack of understanding of your intentions, you shouldn't expect much from their recommendations, so it's recommended to choose a different real estate agency.


    That was the article about the pros and cons of on-site property viewings and explanations of efficient viewing methods.

    It's important to choose between on-site property viewings and other methods depending on your needs. With proper support from a real estate agency, efficient property hunting is possible.

    When searching for rental properties along the Tokyu line, please don't hesitate to contact Balleggs. Our experienced staff with qualifications will provide thorough assistance!

    Thank you for reading until the end.